Ethics Committee

To address inquiries and complaints regarding the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and Rules of the Society.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Investigate alleged infractions (complaints) by Members and make recommendations to the Board regarding investigation and disciplinary action, if appropriate.
  • Address inquiries and provide an interpretive opinion regarding how one or more portions of Governing Documents apply to a particular set of facts or for interpretation or clarification of one or more portions of Governing Documents.

Composed of a Chair, Assistant Chair, Vice President and at least three (3) members.

Chair, Assistant Chair, and members shall serve a term of three (3) years and may be appointed to an additional three (3) year term. The Vice President shall serve during their time in Office.

Chair shall have been a Member for at least (10) years; served in elected or appointed roles for at least three (3) consecutive years within the last six (6) years of appointment; and served as a member of the Ethics Committee.

Time Commitment
5-10 hours per year.

2024 Committee Members
Ron Pelton, Chair
John Ng
Elizabeth Bradley
Keith Carter
Kenn Cahill
Ted Wladis