In-Service Exam Workgroup

Oversee the in-service exam given to Fellows in each year of their OPS fellowship training. 

Primary Responsibilities

  • Develop and review questions for the in-service exam.

Composed of a Chair and at least five (5) members. 

The Chair shall be a Fellowship Program Director.

The Chair shall serve a two (2) year term and may be appointed to an additional two (2) year term. Members serve a two (2) year term and may be appointed to an additional two (2) year term.

The Chair and members may not concurrently serve on the Oral or Written Exam Workgroups. 

Time Commitment
5-10 hours per year.

2024 Workgroup Members
Jeremiah Tao, Chair
Louise Mawn
Aaron Savar
Hakan Demirci
John Nguyen
Robert Beaulieu
Catherine Liu