Nominating Committee
Purpose Identify, evaluate, and recommend individuals for board leadership positions.
Primary Responsibilities
- Identify and evaluate qualified candidates.
- Prepare a slate of qualified candidates to recommend to the Board.
Composition 1. Immediate Past-President, Chair 2. Current Director-Officer 3. Previous Board Member who served 4-10 years ago and is a Member for twenty (20) years or more 4. Member for ten (10) years or more 5. Member for fewer than ten (10) years
Terms Chair and members serve for one (1) year.
Restrictions Current members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible for nomination to elected office.
Time Commitment 8-10 hours per year.
2025 Committee Members Ken Morgenstern, Immediate Past President, Chair Evan Black Tamara Fountain Greg Griepentrog Natalie Stanciu